The Skeleton Friend

I haven't updated this blog--or any--in about forever and a year.  But, I am doing it today, because it is time things begin to look up for me and I start writing to publish again.  I have been writing-to-publish since I was six years old, and it still hasn't happened.  Now, I have about eight months before I ship out to the Navy and become one of the enlisted.  I am, naturally, going into law enforcement with all the hope in the world that they will pay for my education in forensic anthropolgy, but until they do, I want to put my name out there once and for all as a writer to watch--especially since I have a whole series of crime fiction in mind when I'm a Ph.D toting anthropologist.  So it's time I begin, again.  Again again?  Yeah, it's been a while.
Last night I was reading the fourth Dexter book (Dexter By Design, read it, you'll love it) and as I always do when I read one of my favorite authors or characters, I got the itch to write.  I am currently in the developing stages of an anthology I am calling "For All the Lost Girls," which compiles several short stories, novellas, and flash fictions all centered around women who would otherwise be described as "lost," in every possible meaning of the word.  Last night I began thinking hard on a piece I describe as Dorothy meets "Dead Like Me," and I am very excited about it.  My only fear, as always, is translating my particular sense of humor.  It isn't exactly the..."wettest" humor in the world.  I have plans to work on it today; but, honestly, I have 242 pages left in Dexter and I'd like to finish them.  I have some time set for writing though, and if it isn't too much trouble, I plan to get some done.
There are some other things in development.  I am writing a novel--like I have been since I was thirteen, right?--and I am currently reworking it and spending some time pondering.  I haven't been hit with any major ideas just yet that will get the flow going again--it has been a while since I wrote seriously--but I do have the majority of the plot figured, so it's just a matter of time and thoughtfulness.
I also took a story I'd been working on since I was fifteen--a very mundane affair that is too realistic to be anything of use in FAtLG--and have split the ideas into two seperate, very different stories.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, but when I considered splitting it, I realized I was going about the main theme entirely wrong, a; and, b, there were two sub-themes that did not go so well together.  So, I have nixed the story all-together, and now I have two life forms ready to come to life.  But, more on those guys later.
Really, this was just an update, and it was mostly for me.  I would like to post some pieces on here, but I have to get to work first.  And, before all of that, I really need to finish Dexter.  Can't leave him hanging; you never know what he'll do.
Just Fooling Around with Skeletons