We Didn't Do It for the Money

I thought I would update, since that seems important, even though I haven't really written anything in a while. That kind of makes me sad. In fact, it does make me sad. But, I have been working on getting a "new life" started for myself, and unfortunately, my writing has fallen second fiddle. Oops. Seriously.
I just want to say this: why is Hillary still running?! At this point, I am terrified the party is going to crumble. The problem with her continuing a campaign is simply that she will bring her die-hard supporters all the way. If this has a bloody end, which it is bound to if it continues toward the DNC, her supporters will likely be lost to the party. Either they will vote for McCain, or worse, they won't vote at all, which is exactly the opposite of progress if you ask me. The past Mid-Term was a wonderful step toward getting youth voters to put in their two cents, but I am afraid that Clinton supporters will throw in the towel if she keeps this battle up. It wouldn't be so bad if she weren't playing old-school politics, which has worked to alienate a portion of the party. And if she doesn't concede and fully support Obama and the Democratic Party, her supporters will see that they don't need to and will refuse on her behalf.
I know I have made many Americans sound like sheep here, but for the most part, we are. A mob, thus is America. And, the mob wields the most power, and together the mob can do anything. Without the power, the full power, of the mob, of the people, the Democratic Party has no chance in winning this election. Unfortunately for Hillary and her supporters, she is loosing the battle for the nomination, and it is almost too late to heal the wounds the primaries caused. If she were in Obama's place, and if he were fighting the battle she is, I would say the same. She must concede, or the party will be permanently damaged. The end.
I feel kind of uninformed, however, when I talk about this, because I have been so caught up in all the things I need to get done. A.) is moving, which will take a lot out of me; and 2.) is deciding where I want to go next with my education. When I say next I mean: what exactly do I plan to do the next semester and where it will lead in the future. I need a plan, and I am torn--so, so torn--as to which direction I need to be facing. Part of me thinks I should ride it out; don't face any direction. But, the rest of me loves a plan, is used to a plan, is obsessive about plans. Part of me seriously needs a plan. And what do I do? I avoid it. Believe me, this is me completely avoiding it--see how it works? I am just completely ignoring it. I see a book I want to read that could potentially point me in one direction and I don't read it. I see a program on television that could potentially change my mind and I don't watch it. I am not making any decisions. And my decision to not make any decisions is driving me crazy.
In writing news, I killed my flash drive with my novella on it. So, that's going to be pulled back together from various pieces I have lying around. It'll be good for it, a new look at it, a new revision; but, damn, it's going to be a lot of work. Not that I am making time for writing. Because I'm not, if you haven't figured that out.
Also, I know where I am heading with my book. Direction is always good when it comes to this.
Other than that, I've been working. And by working, I mean seven days/sixty hours a week, which has left me utterly useless.
It's going to be an interesting summer. Or worse, a completely boring one.

Lock Me Up, I'm Stupid

I’m love-sick and stupid.
So you shouldn’t let me out
in public today.

I might propose on the corner
of some street I find attractive.

And then where would I be?

...married to a street
that’s taken my last name
when all I really wanted
was you.

April 18, 2008
I Don't Know Why